Do solar farms damage the soil? Samo mala količina aluminijuma se oslobađa u tlo iz solarnog sistema i nije dokazano da ima bilo kakav negativan uticaj na zemlju. Iako je solarni sistem bezbedno imati oko useva, oni su takođe odličan način da se … [Continue reading] about Can the world run on solar power?
Not Even Diablo Canyon Can Save California From Its Green Energy Nightmare
California has waged a decades-long war against sanity and the laws of physics in the name of saving the planet by pouring tons of nonstop renewable energy into the grid. After years of destroying the grid and driving up energy costs, sanity seems … [Continue reading] about Not Even Diablo Canyon Can Save California From Its Green Energy Nightmare
What is the future of solar energy?
Bloomberg und seine 65 Marktspezialisten prognostizieren, dass die Solarkosten bis 2030 insgesamt um etwa 34 % sinken werden. Das entspricht zwar nicht ganz dem Rückgang von 80 %, den wir von 2000 bis 2020 gesehen haben, zeigt aber, dass die Kosten … [Continue reading] about What is the future of solar energy?
solar power: Nearly 25 GW solar projects in the lurch, say experts
According to industry officials, at least 25 GW of solar projects face delays or uncertainties due to rising module prices or supply constraints. Cost pressures are significant for projects with Solar Energy Corp and GUVNL bidding for aggressive … [Continue reading] about solar power: Nearly 25 GW solar projects in the lurch, say experts
What are green jobs and how can I get one? 5 questions answered about clean energy careers
(The Talk) – When President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022, he called it the "biggest investment ever" to fight climate change. He also said it would lead to the creation of good-paying union jobs to help "reduce … [Continue reading] about What are green jobs and how can I get one? 5 questions answered about clean energy careers