SUPERIOR, Wisc. — Groundbreaking has taken place for Superior's first community solar garden along Hammond Avenue. Superior Water, Light and Power will refer to space as Superior Sun to mark this renewable energy cycle. At 470 kilowatts, Superior … [Continue reading] about Superior’s First Community Solar Garden Expected to Produce Energy By Summer of 2023
What is new in solar technology?

What if we cover Sahara with solar panels? Kupfurikidza nokufukidza ikoku, tinenge tichiva nechokwadi chokuti chiedza chezuva chakawanda chanyura, nokudaro kuchiparira kukwira kwetembiricha yepasi. Mhepo inodziya inobva yasimuka kusvika … [Continue reading] about What is new in solar technology?
Why First Solar Stock Climbed Today
What's going on stocks First Sun On Wednesday (FSLR 5.64%) rose 5.6%, continuing the solar panel maker's share price gains following the passage of climate-focused legislation in mid-August. So what The Inflation Relief Act of 2022 was signed into … [Continue reading] about Why First Solar Stock Climbed Today
Why solar energy is the best?

What are 3 disadvantages of solar energy? Malavantaĝoj de Suna Energio Kosto. La komenca kosto de aĉeto de sunsistemo estas sufiĉe alta. ...Veterdependa. Kvankam sunenergio ankoraŭ povas esti kolektita dum nubaj kaj pluvaj tagoj, la efikeco de … [Continue reading] about Why solar energy is the best?
Peoria Students Get Hands-On Renewables Experience
This is the seventh in a series of blogs celebrating grant projects funded under the Clean Air Act with the owners of the ED Edwards coal-fired power plant outside Peoria, Illinois. The settlement calls for the plant to close by the end of 2022 and … [Continue reading] about Peoria Students Get Hands-On Renewables Experience