Sources :
Solar Energy
Brewery, farm powered by solar energy – AgriNews
FAIRBURY, ILL. – Emancipation Brewing Co. installed solar panels last month to continuously power the brewery, homes and other buildings on the farm.
“The brewery uses a lot of electricity. If you’re talking about the environment, breweries require tons of electricity. Too much heat is used all the time. Emancipation Brewing Co. co-owner and head brewer Lincoln Slagel says it takes a lot of energy to heat liquids and run coolers.
“We have five refrigerators and one freezer, one cold room to help cool the tanks, and several water heaters. The electricity system here is taxed to the limit right now, the electricity bill is really high and it sounds like electricity prices are going to go up a lot.
“Over the course of the year, it has to run all the electricity the brewery, house and farm needs, plus a little addition they built. This will be a huge savings on a monthly basis and it will also be beautiful. be under our control as much as possible. “Especially with how much electricity we use here at the brewery, it won’t take long to pay it back.”
Local hops
Slagel’s Fresh Farm beer, made from hops grown adjacent to the brewery, made it to the tap. It’s about a three-week process from harvest to barrel.
“The first day of the brew, which is the day we harvest, we brewed a double batch that day and basically the next two weeks were for the fermentation process,” Slagel explained.
“This beer has a bit of malty sweetness but it’s quite dry, so it’s a very well-fermented beer, so we wanted to make sure it was completely finished and all the yeasts were doing their job.
“After that we cooled it down a bit and added more of the same hops at that point. So you get a bit of a citrusy, earthy, almost herbal aroma. Then we freeze it and chill it and that kind of helps to condition the beer and make it and add the carbonation that needs to be added to get it to where we want it to be. After that, he is ready to go.”
Fresh Farm tastes like hops.
“This is the healthiest beer we’ve ever made. We go out there and smell it and then taste it and the flavor really comes through. This is not necessarily the case with all styles. It really focuses on this entry. It’s neat for me to have it go through here and into the bottle,” Slagel added.
This year’s hop crop at the farm was one of the worst they’ve had in several years, but Slagel was still able to brew a normal double batch.
“We use a lot of hops. Instead of spreading it over months on beers that don’t taste great, we like to infuse it with that flavor to really show it off. So we use more hops than we need, but the goal is to make this one beer as good as possible,” Slagel said.
“There were a few hops left over this year and we always dry some and we’ll use them in small batches here and there throughout the year.”
He chose not to cut the yeast vines at ground level at harvest to give the plants time to build up some strength in hopes of having healthier plants in the spring.
“We’re going to cut them down in the next few days because the frost we’re having probably won’t help them stay above ground,” he said on October 20.
Rye cover
Slagel teams up with an uncle to use the cover crop to make rye beer. His uncle, Jim Ifft of Fairbury, has been using cover crops on his farm for about 10 years.
“One of the cover crops they grow is rye, and when they got a bunch of seeds last year, it was a special variety that could be used for brewing and distilling. He gave me a couple of sacks of the rye they had gathered. We’ll be brewing a few beers with it soon,” Slagel said.
“In the years to come, if there’s a rye beer that people really like, we’ll be able to buy more of it.”
Looking Ahead
Slagel was asked what he predicts for the future of the brewery over the next five years.
He said he wants to try “different things like a coating product where we can kind of experiment with what’s available locally.”
“The idea of brewing with a cover crop that’s not even a main crop that people are growing is even more interesting to me because anything you can do to encourage things like that is good for the land or the soil. It is good for farmers to have an additional source of income for themselves.”
He would also like to see more farmers growing malt grains.
“There are some facilities that can do malting and I think it can be a great source of income and diversification for farmers. Moreover, grain is becoming more and more difficult to obtain. I was ordering grain a little while ago and the prices keep going up. So I think in the next few years we’re going to need more farmers in creative places that aren’t necessarily traditional to do some of that,” Slagel said.
“When it comes to the brewery, it’s just a matter of finding more ways to work with local ingredients that make the beer taste better. We try to use local products just for the sake of being local, but Farm Fresh beer, for example, is really unique and I think those hops have a positive effect on the taste. Our first job is always what we can do to improve the flavor.”
Local berries
In the afternoon, Slagel was going to visit some family friends on whose farms her youngest son grew blackcurrants.
“For the last three or four years, we have been buying them and adding black currants to make beer. Black currants are small black berries. I like to think of it as a cross between a cranberry and a grape. It’s kind of tart like a cranberry, but with a little more juicy character, like grapes or blueberries,” she said.
“They harvest them, vacuum seal them and freeze them, and that kind of softens them up. We make them puree and add to beer.
“He was doing it a few years ago as a small business to raise money. I think we’re getting his whole crop this year. It’s neat to work on things like this. It is a taste that not everyone knows. I have tried blackcurrant from the supplier, but theirs is a really high quality product.
“We want to try to do things like this as logically as we can and in a way that’s good for them and good for us.
“It’s funny because you don’t really think about growing beer ingredients in this area, but there’s a lot of opportunity between blackcurrants, potentially rye, corn, especially when people are trying to find alternative ways to supplement income or income. diversify what you do.”
At last year’s Illinois Craft Brewers Guild conference, there was a discussion with panelists involved in craft malting.
“They said they wished more farmers would be involved in this work. Maybe if people would take the time to learn a little bit about it, I think most of the problem is that no one knows. I don’t know much about the agricultural side other than looking at the number of malted grains. They provide what appears to be a very good value to the farmers who grow for them,” Slagel said.
What is inside solar?
Pasivni solarni dobitak. Solarna toplina (za grijanje) Koncentrirana solarna energija (za električnu energiju) Solarni fotonapon (električna energija)
Why is recycling solar panels hard?
Poteškoća s recikliranjem solarnih panela nije u tome što je materijale od kojih su napravljeni teško reciklirati; radije, radi se o tome da su sastavljeni od mnogo dijelova koji se koriste zajedno u jednom proizvodu. Odvajanje tih materijala i recikliranje svakog od njih na jedinstven način složen je i skup proces.
Je li recikliranje solarnih panela isplativo? Troškovi recikliranja solarnih panela puno su veći od slanja na odlagalište. Prema znanstvenicima Nacionalnog laboratorija za obnovljivu energiju, recikliranje košta oko 20 do 30 dolara po ploči, ali samo 1 do 2 dolara njeno slanje na odlagalište. Očigledno je korisnije poslati ga na odlagalište nego reciklirati.
Can solar panels be completely recycled?
Dakle, mogu li se solarni paneli reciklirati? Kratak odgovor je da. Silikonski solarni moduli prvenstveno se sastoje od stakla, plastike i aluminija: tri materijala koji se recikliraju u velikim količinama. To omogućuje isparavanje malih plastičnih komponenti i omogućuje lakše odvajanje stanica.
Why is recycling solar panels difficult?
Ostale materijale unutar solarnih ćelija može biti teže reciklirati. Srebro i unutarnji bakar su vrijedne komponente, ali ploče obično sadrže vrlo male količine ovih materijala. Otrovni metali poput olova i kadmija također mogu biti prisutni u solarnim pločama.
Is solar panel waste a problem?
Jesu li solarni paneli opasni otpad? Ispitivanje opasnog otpada na solarnim pločama na tržištu pokazalo je da različite vrste solarnih ploča imaju različite metale prisutne u poluvodiču i lemu. Neki od tih metala, poput olova i kadmija, u visokim su razinama štetni za ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš.
Is there a problem with disposing of solar panels?
To je ogroman problem. PV paneli sadrže otrovne materijale, poput olova, koji mogu uzrokovati onečišćenje okoliša, no mnogi se bacaju na odlagališta kad umru. Oni također sadrže vrijedne materijale koji bi se mogli ponovno upotrijebiti za izradu novih solarnih ćelija, no danas se ti resursi uglavnom rasipaju.
Do solar panels make waste?
Otpad solarnih panela može sadržavati teške metale kao što su srebro, olovo, arsen i kadmij koji se â na određenim razinama â mogu klasificirati kao opasni otpad.
What 2 materials are the solar panels made from?
Monokristalni i multikristalni silicij dvije su najosnovnije vrste kristalnog silicija koje se koriste u solarnim fotonaponskim uređajima. Monokristalni silicijski materijali koriste se zbog veće učinkovitosti u usporedbi s multikristalnim silicijskim materijalima.
Koja se dva elementa koriste za izradu solarne ploče? Dva elementa koja se koriste u proizvodnji solarnih ćelija su silicij i srebro. Silicij se smatra poluvodičem koji se koristi za apsorpciju sunčeve energije. Također pretvara solarnu energiju u električnu energiju. Svjetlost koja udara u silicij, uvodi fotonaponski efekt za proizvodnju električne energije.
Where do solar panel materials come from?
Silicij se može iskopati iz kvarcita, tinjca i talka, ali pijesak je njegov najobilniji izvor rude. Silicij u solarnim pločama proizvodi se postupkom redukcije u kojem se silicij zagrijava s ugljičnim materijalom, a kisik se uklanja, ostavljajući čišći silicij metalurške kvalitete.
Where are materials mined for solar panels?
Element se prvenstveno vadi u Japanu, Kanadi, Belgiji i Sjedinjenim Državama. Galij: Iako galij nije prisutan kao slobodni element u zemljinoj kori, rudari ga izvlače iz drugih minerala kao što su aluminij, cink, boksit, sfalerit, ugljen i germanit.
Does the creation of solar panels cause pollution?
Tehnologije solarne energije i elektrane tijekom rada ne proizvode onečišćenje zraka niti stakleničke plinove.
What materials are solar panels made out of?
Veliki crni solarni paneli koje vidite u domovima i poslovnim prostorima napravljeni su od hrpe solarnih ćelija (ili fotonaponskih ćelija) napravljenih od silicijskih poluvodiča koji apsorbiraju sunčevu svjetlost i stvaraju električnu struju. Ove pojedinačne ćelije spojene su u jednu solarnu ploču.
What are the ingredients in a solar panel?
Većina solarnih panela još uvijek se sastoji od niza kristalnih ćelija silicija u sendviču između prednje staklene ploče i stražnje polimerne plastične stražnje ploče poduprte unutar aluminijskog okvira. Jednom instalirani, solarni paneli su podvrgnuti teškim uvjetima tijekom svog životnog vijeka od 25 godina.
Are solar panels made of glass or plastic?
Solarni panel je mješavina stakla, plastike i metala. Otprilike 80% težine solarne ploče čine aluminij i staklo, koji se lako recikliraju.
What two types of material are solar cells made of?
Solarna ćelija je napravljena od dvije vrste poluvodiča, zvanih p-tip i n-tip silicij. Silicij p-tipa proizvodi se dodavanjem atoma, kao što su bor ili galij, koji imaju jedan elektron manje na vanjskoj energetskoj razini od silicija.
What materials are solar cells made of?
Silicij. Silicij je daleko najčešći poluvodički materijal koji se koristi u solarnim ćelijama, predstavljajući otprilike 95% modula koji se danas prodaju. Također je drugi najzastupljeniji materijal na Zemlji (nakon kisika) i najčešći poluvodič koji se koristi u računalnim čipovima.
What are the 2 types of solar cells?
Različite vrste solarnih ćelija
- Ćelije od kristalnog silicija.
- Monokristalne stanice.
- Polikristalne stanice.
- Tankoslojne solarne ćelije.
What are the 2 main disadvantages of solar energy?
Solarni nedostaci
- Standardni kućni solar ne “radi” noću.
- Kućni solarni paneli nisu privlačni.
- DIY solarna instalacija teška je (ako ne i nemoguća) za većinu vlasnika kuća.
- Nije svaka konfiguracija krova idealna za maksimalnu proizvodnju solarne energije.
- Solarna proizvodnja nije dobra za okoliš.
Koji je glavni nedostatak solarne energije? Mane su to što proizvodi energiju samo kad sunce sja, treba mu značajnu količinu zemlje i što određene solarne tehnologije zahtijevaju rijetke materijale.
What are 2 pros and 2 cons of solar energy?
Prednosti solarne energije | Nedostaci solarne energije |
Smanjite račun za struju | Ne radi za svaku vrstu krova |
Poboljšajte vrijednost svog doma | Nije idealno ako se spremate preseliti |
Smanjite svoj ugljični otisak | Kupnja panela može biti skupa |
Borite se protiv rastućih troškova električne energije | Niski troškovi električne energije = manje uštede |
What are the two main types of solar system?
Postoje dvije glavne vrste tehnologija solarne energije—fotonaponske (PV) i koncentrirane solarne toplinske energije (CSP).
Koji je najčešći tip solarnog sustava? Monokristalni solarni paneli do sada su najčešće korišteni solarni paneli za stambene objekte zbog svoje snage i učinkovitosti. Monokristalni solarni paneli mogu postići učinkovitost veću od 20%, što ih čini najučinkovitijim panelima na tržištu. Iako 20% možda ne zvuči impresivno, za to postoji razlog.
What are the main types of solar cells?
Solarne ćelije mogu se podijeliti u tri široka tipa, tankoslojne solarne ćelije na bazi kristalnog silicija i noviji razvoj koji je mješavina druga dva.
What are the most common type of solar cells used today?
Monokristalni solarni paneli najpopularniji su solarni paneli koji se danas koriste u krovnim solarnim panelima. Solarne ćelije od monokristalnog silicija proizvode se nečim što se zove Czochralski metoda, u kojoj se kristal silicija ‘zasječka’ stavlja u rastopljenu posudu čistog silicija na visokoj temperaturi.
What are the 3 types of solar panels?
U ovom blogu istražit ćemo glavne tri vrste ćelija solarnih ploča: polikristalne, monokristalne i tankoslojne. Razumijevanje razlike između ta tri je prvi korak u odabiru savršenog panela za vaš dom, posao ili zajednicu.
How many types of solar are there?
Danas su na tržištu dostupne 4 glavne vrste solarnih panela: monokristalni, polikristalni, PERC i tankoslojni paneli.
Which solar panel type is best?
Monokristalni solarni paneli do sada su najčešće korišteni solarni paneli za stambene objekte zbog svoje snage i učinkovitosti. Monokristalni solarni paneli mogu postići učinkovitost veću od 20%, što ih čini najučinkovitijim panelima na tržištu.
What are the 3 types of solar panels?
U ovom blogu istražit ćemo glavne tri vrste ćelija solarnih ploča: polikristalne, monokristalne i tankoslojne. Razumijevanje razlike između ta tri je prvi korak u odabiru savršenog panela za vaš dom, posao ili zajednicu.
What are the types of solar system?
Postoje tri osnovne vrste solarnih energetskih sustava: mrežni, izvanmrežni i rezervni energetski sustavi.
What are the two types of solar system?
Solarne tehnologije hvataju to zračenje i pretvaraju ga u korisne oblike energije. Postoje dvije glavne vrste tehnologija solarne energije – fotonapon (PV) i koncentriranje solarne toplinske energije (CSP).
How many types of solar is there?
Fotonaponska tehnologija izravno pretvara sunčevu svjetlost u električnu energiju. Solarna toplinska tehnologija iskorištava njegovu toplinu. Ove različite tehnologije iskorištavaju Sunčevu energiju, lokalno iu velikim solarnim farmama.
Sources :
EcoFlow’s Black Friday sale offers great deals on power stations + solar panels
EcoFlow’s Black Friday Sale is here, so now is the perfect time to grab a deal on the EcoFlow portable power and solar panel solution. From weekend camping trips to lighting your entire household, EcoFlow offers a portable power + solar combination for everyone. Check out the great deals below.
RIVER mini – The power is in your hands
Throw 210Wh of portable power in your backpack and rest easy knowing you have power anywhere. The RIVER mini weighs only 6.3 pounds, so it’s built for portability. It can power up to eight devices at the same time and takes just one hour to charge up to 80%.
Normally the EcoFlow RIVER mini is $349, but it’s 46% off right now 189 dollars For Black Friday. You can buy it in the EcoFlow online store or on Amazon.
RIVER 2 – The best entry-level portable power station
RIVER 2 can be fully charged in 60 minutes so you’re ready for your next run or last-minute trip. Weighing just 7.7 pounds, the RIVER 2 provides grip for camping, hiking, or any adventure. LFP battery cells allow RIVER 2 to be used and recharged over 3000 times until reaching 80%. This means almost 10 years of regular use. With an output of 300W, RIVER 2 can power 99% of consumer electronics and power up to six devices simultaneously.
Normally, the EcoFlow RIVER 2 retails for $299, but it’s on sale now 219 dollars. You can buy it in the EcoFlow online store or on Amazon.
DELTA 2 – The essential portable power station for the home
DELTA 2 is a household must-have, providing power and peace of mind during outages. With a base power of 1 kWh, expandable up to 3 kW, the DELTA 2 can keep your main appliances running while lighting up. Its massive 1800W power is enough to power 90% of appliances, including refrigerators, hair dryers and water heaters. It also charges seven times faster than the competition, taking just 50 minutes to charge from 0 to 80% and 80 minutes to 100%. To combat rising utility bills, users can fully charge the DELTA 2 with solar power in three hours. Weighing only 27 pounds, it’s perfect for everyday needs or backyard parties.
The EcoFlow DELTA 2 normally retails for $999, but is now 10% off. 899 dollars. You can buy it in the EcoFlow online store or on Amazon.
DELTA Max – Home backup power master
A single DELTA Max unit packs 2 kWh of power, which can be expanded up to 6 kWh with DELTA Max smart additional batteries. This means that when the power goes out, you can keep essential household needs like the fridge and lights going for hours. With EcoFlow’s X-Boost technology, DELTA Max can power heavy-duty appliances up to 3400W. What’s more, DELTA Max charges safely and quickly from 0-80% in just 65 minutes.
The EcoFlow DELTA Max is normally priced at $2,099 and is on sale now with a 24% discount 1599 dollars. You can buy it in the EcoFlow online store or on Amazon.
DELTA Pro – Portable and powerful home battery
With a capacity of 3.6 kWh, the DELTA Pro can meet the energy needs of an average family for an entire day, making it ideal for emergency use. With an industry-leading 3,600W, DELTA Pro can power over 99% of appliances, including air conditioners and heaters. It supports six different charging methods (mains, solar, gas, wind, etc.) and is the world’s first portable power station that can be charged by EV charging stations. It can be fully charged in 1.8 hours at any of the 35,000 Level 2 AC EV charging stations in the US. It can also be fully charged in 2.7 hours via a wall outlet, allowing users to have enough power before an emergency.
EcoFlow DELTA Pro is normally $3,699, but now with an 18% discount $3199 For Black Friday. You can buy it in the EcoFlow online store or on Amazon.
DELTA Pro + Dual Fuel Generator – The best backup solution for the home
Even during long shutdowns, DELTA Pro’s capacity may not be enough. The Dual Fuel Generator uses both standard gas and propane (LPG) to provide up to 20 kWh of additional power. With DELTA Pro charging in just 2.7 hours and up to 12.5 hours of run time on LPG alone, families can rest easy knowing they always have a reliable energy source. Together, the Delta Pro + Dual Fuel Generator can power homes for up to six days, providing emergency as well as off-grid living options.
The EcoFlow DELTA Pro + Dual Fuel Generator has an MSRP of $3,699 and is available for 19% off this Black Friday sale. $4299. You can buy them in the EcoFlow online store or on Amazon.
110W Solar Panel
EcoFlow’s 110W Solar Panel can charge the RIVER mini in two hours and the RIVER 2 in three hours. For larger capacity solar generators such as DELTA 2 and DELTA Pro, users can connect multiple 110W Solar Panels to achieve higher input. For example, four sets of 110W Solar Panels can fully charge the DELTA 2 in three hours. Designed with a rubber grip and flexible bracket support, the angle of the solar panel can be adjusted up to 45 degrees. It’s also waterproof, so you don’t have to worry if it gets wet.
Normally $399, the 110W Solar Panel is 50% off, so it’s a bargain 199 dollars. You can find it in the EcoFlow webshop or on Amazon.
Special bonus offers
Every order over $5,000 includes a free DELTA mini that normally retails for $999. Every order over $3,000 includes a free RIVER mini that normally retails for $349. EcoFlow’s Black Friday Sale will also offer additional discounts on a wide range of other bundles and starred products, so check them out by clicking here. For an additional 8% off EcoFlow’s great Black Friday deals, use promo code EFBF8OFF at checkout in both the EcoFlow online store and Amazon.
FTC: We use automatic affiliate links that generate income. More.
Which country uses most solar energy?
How much of the world uses solar energy 2022?
Solar PV yana kan hanya don lissafin kashi 60% na haɓakar wutar lantarki mai sabuntawa a duniya a cikin 2022, sai iska da wutar lantarki.
Is 2022 the last year to go solar?
Ko da Majalisa za ta sabunta manufofin kafin ta ƙare, 2022 ita ce dama ta ƙarshe da za ku taɓa samu wajen neman kashi 26 cikin 100 na harajin haraji na tarayya. Abu na ƙarshe da kuke so shine fara aikin shigarwa a cikin Disamba, kawai a gama shi a ranar 1 ga Janairu, 2023 kuma ku sami raguwar kashi 22 cikin ɗari.
Shin farashin rana zai ragu a 2022? Farashin tsarin hasken rana zai faɗi zuwa 25 cents na Amurka a kowace Watts a cikin 1H 2022, kuma 1-2 cents kowace Watt ƙasa a cikin 2H 2022. Samar da Polysilicon ya kasance kange a cikin 2021.
Is 2022 a good year to buy solar panels?
Amma akwai wasu dalilan da ya sa 2022 ta kasance shekara ce mai kyau musamman don saka hannun jari a tsarin tsarin hasken rana. Yawan wutar lantarki a fadin kasar nan yana karuwa har ma ya rubanya a wasu jihohin. Yayin da waɗannan rates ke ƙaruwa, tanadin da ke fitowa daga shigar da hasken rana yana ƙaruwa kawai.
Is now a good time to buy solar?
Ajiye zai kusan ninki biyu zuwa shekara uku kuma zai ci gaba da girma tare da lokaci, saboda kuna guje wa biyan kuɗin hauhawar farashin makamashi. Kuma wannan shine kyakkyawan dalili don samun hasken rana don gidan ku a yanzu.
Will solar panels get cheaper in 2022?
Sabuntawa (Yuni 8, 2022) Ana sa ran farashin zai ci gaba da faduwa cikin dogon lokaci. Duk da haka, farashin shigarwar hasken rana ba zai ragu a daidai wannan adadin ba saboda farashin kayan aiki bai wuce kashi 40 cikin dari na farashin saitin hasken rana na gida ba. Kar a yi tsammanin hasken rana na gida zai yi arha sosai a nan gaba.
Why is 2022 your last chance for solar?
A halin yanzu akwai kiredit na harajin hasken rana na 26%, wanda ake kira Credit Tax Credit (ITC), yana samuwa ga duk masu gida waɗanda suka shigar da filayen hasken rana tsakanin 2020 da 2022. Wannan yana nufin 2022 shine kyakkyawan damar ku ta ƙarshe don cin gajiyar 26% karfafa haraji.
How many years will solar system last?
Tsawon rayuwar Panels Solar Panel Solar panels, wanda kuma aka sani da photovoltaic ko PV panels, an yi su ya wuce fiye da shekaru 25. A haƙiƙa, da yawa masu amfani da hasken rana da aka girka tun farkon shekarun 1980 har yanzu suna aiki akan ƙarfin da ake sa ran.
Can a solar panel last 50 years?
Masu amfani da hasken rana suna ɗaukar kimanin shekaru 20, a cewar Hukumar Kasuwancin Tarayya. Babban labari shine, tare da kulawa da kyau, kwamitin ku na iya aiki da gaske har tsawon shekaru 40-50.
Can solar panels last 100 years?
Ƙungiyoyin hasken rana, wanda kuma aka sani da photovoltaic ko PV panels, an yi su fiye da shekaru 25. A haƙiƙa, da yawa masu amfani da hasken rana da aka girka tun farkon shekarun 1980 har yanzu suna aiki akan ƙarfin da ake sa ran.
What country uses the most solar energy?
Daraja | Ƙasa | Iyawa (MW) |
1 | China | 254,355 |
2 | Amurka | 75,572 |
3 | Japan | 67,000 |
4 | Jamus | 53,783 |